General Information

Students must apply independently to the program they plan to pursue at Harvard University. Once they receive an admission letter, they can start the application process with FMH.

1. The Fundacion’s financial support is decided based on the student’s financial need. Our support ranges between $10,000 and $25,000 dollars and can be used for tuition or living expenses.

2. All students who receive support in the form of a loan must sign a contract and ProNote when receiving support.

Financial Support Terms

1. Support given by FMH will be in US dollars, and partially covers the single student budget published by the Harvard schools.
2. Once support is approved in the form of a loan, the student and a guarantor must sign a contract and ProNote.
3. Support for doctoral programs at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Graduate School of Design and Law School will be given for a total of up to $60,000 dollars for the duration of the program. For more information, please contact the FMH office.

4. Please contact the FMH office for information on support for the PhD programs at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Payment terms for loan support:

1. A one year grace period after graduation is given.
2. Payment plan consists of monthly installments for either 5 or 7 years depending on the program.
3. Interest accrues at 5% fixed annual rate from the date of disbursement.
4. Payments must be made in Mexican pesos. Exact dollar amount will be calculated based on the exchange rate on the date of payment.

FMH will report any student to the Mexican Credit Bureau who is late in fulfilling payment obligations.

FMH Policies.

I. Loan forgiveness policy for work in an academic or research institution full-time in Mexico.
Students may request consideration for a loan forgiveness if he or she is employed full-time in an academic or research institution in Mexico for three consecutive years. 

Students must provide the following documents each year along with a request letter:

    1. A signed letter from their supervisor or head of the academic department for three consecutive years, verifying full-time employment at the academic or research institution. Letter should be written in official letterhead.
    2. Contact information, including job title, institution, phone, address, and email.
    3. Proof of residency in Mexico with two documents which can be electric, gas or water bills, tax payments, phone bills, rental agreement, etc.

    The Fundacion will verify all information provided and make a final decision.  All documents should be submitted for consideration, any incomplete requests will not be considered and student will have to commence payment of the corresponding loan.

    II. Doctorate students return policy (SJD, DDes, DrPh)
    Students who graduate from the doctorate programs at Harvard Law School, Graduate School of Design y Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and choose not to return to live and work in Mexico after graduation or after the optional practical training two-year period, must repay the support received in full, in a 5-year period. An annual interest rate of 5% will be applied.

      III. LLM/SJD Policy
      Students who receive loan support for their LLM studies will be able to request a conversion to scholarship when the following terms are met:

        1. Admission to the SJD program at Harvard Law
        2. Waive their LLM degree
        3. Harvard Law’s LLM waiver policy is valid and in practice

        This conversion to scholarship will require the signature of a new contract with FMH if all terms are met and conversion is approved.

          Atlanta #188 Col. Nochebuena Delegación Benito Juárez, CDMX, CP 03720 Teléfono: 55.7919.1496

          Copyright © 2021. Fundación México en Harvard A.C. Todos los Derechos Reservados.

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